Rise Wildly, Let Loose!

Hello blog readers, Hope you are well! Big news here, the page for my next poetry book, Rise Wildly, is going live today! It’s due out October 6 from CavanKerry Press, and I am so in awe of the whole process, especially the cover and design, which I adore, (thank you Judith Bergerson for the art and Ryan Scheife for the design) and the editing, which was thoughtful and wise (thank you Baron Wormser and Joy Arbor!)

You can pre-order it as of today! Please do! There’s a 20% discount if you sign up for CavanKerry’s newsletter. The book’s $18 and sales support the non-profit press, which has the refreshing motto, Lives Brought to Life.

The book includes poems from Adanna, Alaska Quarterly Review, Battery Journal, Blinders Journal, Cimarron Review, Ekphrastic Review, Journal of New Jersey Poets, Juxtaprose, Midnight Oil, MER VOX, Mom Egg Review, North American Review, On the Seawall, One, Paterson Literary Review, Porter Gulch, Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry, TheRumpus.net, Shrew, Terra Incognita, U City Review, and US 1 Worksheets.

(Time out! Do you know how many rejection slips that list represents? Holy moley. I have about a .100 batting average, so the above yesses appear after many many nos!)

The oldest poem here dates to the late 80s, honoring a mixed tape of poetry an old boyfriend made for me, and there are several from my reporting days at The New York Times, plus some as recent as late 2019. They feel all very pre-COVID, with groups of people gathering close together.

I hope you enjoy them!

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